Such a splendid word,
That scares me so much.
To think that one true love,
Is out there for everyone,
Makes me wonder,
Where is mine?
Even though I believe,
It scares me so much,
That one true love,
Might come along,
And steal the only thing,
That I have to give,
My heart…
Written by the author, me, on the 17th of March 2006
for lone ranger
Over your sholder...
What are you scared of?
Hearts are given, not stollen!
One thing you´re rigth for sure:
Love is a splendid word! Love is a splendid feeling!
Hello TrabisDeMentia,
Thanks very much for taking the time to read my poems.
It's nice to know that they're reaching people across the world.
I don't know why but it makes me feel alive and for no reason that I can find I've been always able to express myself in English rather then in Portuguese.
This all started thanks to the movie The Notebook, the best love story ever...
I’m from Portugal but living in the UK.
Obrigado a todos que passem por ca.
Carlos Arruda
Carlos Arruda